Worn-Out Knees
Romans 1:8-17
I will never forget Ruth. I did not know her that well as a child; even though she was a Sunday School teacher. But as I became a young adult we began building a relationship. I am not sure of how we began our relationship. I just remember its effect and impact on my life. You see, everyone needs a Ruth in their life. And everyone needs to be a Ruth in someone elses life. Ruth was quite simply a prayer warrior. She was advanced in years when I began building a relationship with her. She was no longer able to teach the little girls Sunday school class that she taught for decades and that she so deeply loved. She could not get around like she once was able to. Her health problems meant that she was quickly declining. She is the only person that I have ever met that wore out her knees in prayer. She would constantly remind me that she consistantly prayed for me. I felt honored and unworthy at the same time.
Paul spoke often on prayer. He told the churches that he was ministering to that he was specifically praying for them. I believe that Paul was a great prayer warrior like my friend Ruth. We live in such a fast paced culture. For many Christians prayer is the equivilant of a hail-mary pass. It is useed in desperation without expecting God to work. Unfortunately for many prayer is the last place that they turn. And we lack the faith to see it through. I remember Pat (family friend) praying for over 16 years for the salvation of her daughter. I think of Barb of talks often of how she prays for even the littlest things in her life. I think of Laura who gets up every morning like clockwork and prays for her family and the church.
Question: How come I cannot name hardly any men who are like this? I think of my father who knelt beside the bed every night and prayed aloud. I used to sneak out of bed as a child and listen for my name in his prayers. To this day I go to my dad with my requests because I know when he says he prays he means it. I praise God that my in-laws are the same way. God has indeed blessed my family. My desire is to pass this on to the next generation. My little warrior and my princess. My wife and I pray with them and for them every night. I want to wear out my knees praying. I want my children to do the same. That is a true legacy.