Generations II

Yesterday was a fun day.  I did not get a lot accomplished in the office at all (insert sad face) but I did go to Ethan and Ari's Thanksgiving parties (big smiles)!!!  Ari was a beautiful little Indian maiden in her program.  In it she proudly proclaimed her thankfulness for her big brother all the while collecting food scattered on the floor in front of her to help the pilgrims for their feast.  Following the packed out program we got to sit and talk with some great friends who have at one time or another been apart of our small group.

A few hours later we went to Ethan's school for his Thanksgiving program.   My son has a flair for the theatrics!!!  Ari, Kelly, and I watched all of the other boys and girls struggle to read their lines from a paper.  Then Ethan would always bound up to the microphone with a big smile and deliver his lines that he had memorized with as much exuberance as possible.  I was very proud of him.  I am deeply impressed at his ability to quickly memorize anything.  It is weeks away from Christmas and he is almost done with his AWANA book. 

I am deeply thankful to God for my little ones.  I am also glad to see that they have inherited some of my good traits.  (My sister and I have always joked that we inherited all of our families bad traits.)  I cannot simply sit back and be happy with these things and not try to make them stronger.  As pastor-daddy I desire for my children to not only develop their gifts but to use them to glorify God.  I hope that they will learn early, from our guidance, what it means to live out their lives for Christ.  I was in my twenties when I learned it.  It was never taught or explained to me.  Kelly and I desire to direct our little ones back to Christ.  He as indeed blessed us with these tremendous gifts.  We are only to care for his precious ones.  So, we will pray, love, teach, guide, and cherish them every day by God's grace.


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