Skinny guy in FAT clothing
I was talking to a good friend over coffee this morning. We were talking about guys and relationships. We discussed how difficult it is for guys to take the time to invest in real, healthy, growing, Christ-centered relationships. Sure guys hang out for the game or do the occasional stop and chat. But the depth beyond, Hey man, how it going?" is completely absent. Men have become islands. With that I think that it is a pervasive problem effecting all Christians.
With all the sin, temptation and struggle that we go through we choose to go it alone without the help of brothers and sisters for support and encouragement. That is a painful and depressing way to live. Even spouses become to busy with life to sit and have an intimate conversation filled with Christ's truth and encouragement. Satan has deceived us into thinking that our relationship with Christ and with others bring in neutral or low maintenance is alright. The reality is that we toil away at everything (jobs, leisure, entertainment, our house, finances, and even ministry) and neglect the most important areas of life. We neglect our spouse, children, friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, partners in ministry and more for the sake of busyness.
Spiritually and relationally we become emaciated all the while trying to give the appearance of solid health. It becomes easier for Satan to deceive us the more disconnected we become. We subsist on religious radio and television programs, Sunday messages, and surface relationships. All the while convinced that everything is alright. We give Christ and others as little as possible. No longer are we burdened for the lost. We do not hunger and thirst after righteousness. We do not love our brothers and sisters enough to get beyond a smile and a handshake. The Word of God becomes a chore and so do our relationships. We live contented not really growing. We do not cry out like Paul to know Christ.
We must feast on His Word. We must reach out and share that with others. We must advance the cross of Christ and live a healthy growing life.