All the Little Pieces

Exodus 17-18

I love puzzles and mysteries.  I remember a short-run television show called Push, Nevada.  It offered those who watched the show the chance to get involved and search for clues.  The clues were found in the opening credits, in the lines of the characters, and on objects throughout the episodes.  The goal was to put the clues together and solve the mystery for a chance to win $1,045,000.  Another more recent examples would be the show, Lost.  I admit that my wife and I got swept up intently watching season after season and even checking out special websites and other pertinent information.  Ultimately, we ended up buying all the seasons of Lost so that we could take the journey again in the future.

As a child I would scour our house looking for interesting trinkets and objects.  In fact I loved traveling to grandparents or relatives houses for much the same reason.  At a young age I began to find my Christmas presents wherever they were hidden.  As I got older (8 or 9) I would open my gifts, put them together, and rewrap them.  I distinctly remember my mom being amazed one Christmas when my father did not need to put my GI Joe vehicles together or put the stickers on them.  Today I am quite adept at hiding things like my kids presents.  I even like to place objects around my office that stir thought and conversation.  I love to spark peoples curious side and imaginations. 

As I continue slowly walking through Exodus an individual caught my attention.  As I have read I have done my best to read with fresh eyes.  I did not want movies (10 Commandments or Prince of Egypt) or my Bible classes to cloud my mind.  In chapter two I came face to face with Jethro (Reuel).  As I continued to read Moses journey Jethro planted several small questions in the back of my mind. 

Who is Jethro?
If he is a priest then who is he worshiping?
With all of the Israelites in Egypt who taught him of Yahweh?

My quest took me all the way back to Abraham.  In Genesis 25 I reaquainted myself with Keturah (the name of a college roommates sister).  Keturah was the woman that Abraham married following Sarah's death.  Together Abraham and Keturah had at least 6 children.  It is from these children that we have Jethro and his daughters.  It is very likely that they were living in Midian worshiping Yahweh.  We do not know if Yahweh was worshiped exclusivly.  We do know that Jethro was very familiar with Yahwaeh.  In Exodus 18:10-12 Jethro praises and made sacrifices to Yahweh.

Chapter 18 is an incredible chapter.  Jethro though a minor character places a major role at this point.  It is amazing to consider at what point God will decide to move.  We must continue on faithfully.  Honoring our God and Savior in all we do.



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