Filth Crave

I Peter 1:21 - 2:3
We are called to sincere real love. It is expected that since we have trusted in Christ's work and we are committed to following Him then that should be what compels us forward in our life. We must crave pure spiritual milk. We must be nourished by God. The problem is that we tend in action to crave filthy water. We settle for a cool refreshing liquid that is filled with particles, bacteria, and virus'. That filthy water is our acting loving, kind, and gracious in our hearts and yet being filled with deceit, bitterness, and anger. Throughout our day thousands of thoughts sweep though our minds. It is our choice to cling to certain thought processes and foster them. It is also our choice what we fill our lives with (or even who we fill our lives with). Filthy water results in diarrhea everywhere. We cannot fill our lives with filth and expect health. Likewise we cannot surround our selves with bad influences (people in our lives, those things we watch, listen to, read, look at on the Internet and more) and expect that not to affect us. It comes down to what we crave in our lives. Do we cry out for nourishment like the baby to it's mother for pure whole milk. Or have we become satisfied with filth in our lives. Do I crave Christ-likeness to the point that I relentlessly pursue it?


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