Mark 8-9

Just before I got started on my devotions this morning I received a phone call from my wife. She wanted to see how my morning was progressing and also share something that she overheard my son saying as he was playing with his toys this morning. Let me preface what he said with what happened yesterday.
Yesterday was a beautiful day. It was actually sixty degrees outside and sunny. (This is a miracle because of all the snow that we have received this last month in Northeast Ohio.) My wife and I decided that it was time to take our first walk of the spring. With my daughter in a stroller and my dog on a leash this meant that I needed to go into the garage and pull out my son's tricycle. From the back door all the way to the garage door my son kept on telling me that I needed to get his tricycle out for the walk. I simply and calmly told him that daddy was getting into the garage to do just that. In the midst of digging in the garage our dog ran off down the street and my son started yelling at the dog. Due to the "complete disaster" that is my garage I was growing in frustration at the stuck tricycle and my family yelling at our dog as she frolicked down the street. So, I yelled to my family (always a great thing to due during times of frustration) to stop yelling because I would get the dog. Once I tore the tricycle free from the lawnmowers, bikes, and asundry other items (Spring Job #1 CLEAN GARAGE OUT) I staggered out of the garage to hear my son yelling at the long gone dog. Unfortuately in my haste and frustration I told him to, "shut up." This was one of those (many) times in my life that I wanted to reach out and snatch back those words. Of course my wife heard and scolded me (which I totally deserved).
This bring me back to the phone call. My wife overheard my son having his toys tell each other to "shut up". This means that I will be going home this afternoon and apologizing to my son about what I said to him. I will also be explaining why we do not say things like that. All of this on the eve of leading a parenting class in my small groups.
This brings me to the book of Mark. I was reading in chapter 9 about the transfiguration of Christ. I learned that to tranfigure means to change on the outside that which comes from the inside (Weirsbe). Jesus' appearance became radient white. His outside reflected his glorious inner purity. What I stuggle with is what am I putting on the inside of me. I talk to my students about those thing that they read and watch and how it effects them. I need to heed this idea carefully myself. Romans 12:1-2 and II Corinthians 3:18 talk about God transforming us from the inside out and our lives reflecting God. I also began reflecting on James3:1-12 about the power of the tongue. So, is my life reflecting the fruit of the Spirit or other unsavory things. My inappropriate words with my son are serving as a wakeup call to me. May if continue to fill my life with those things that are pleasing to God. May my life more closely reflect HIM.