We all like Sheep

Exodus 20 We are all worshipers. Our Creator knows our hearts very well. Unfortunately, there is a tendency for us as followers of Christ to look at far away cultures and even cults and scoff at their idols and how they worhsip. We shake our heads at golden statues shrines and prayer wheels. Thinking we are a far superior people because we follow Christ. The reality is that we are as much of idol worshipers as they are. We may not have golden statues and prayer wheels but we do put all kind of things before God. And we fail to remember our former life apart from Christ. We must continiue to remember that an idol is anything that we put in the place of God. Even pastors tend toward pastor worship. We at times exault a favorite pastor/leader and their teaching above what we even read in the Scriptures. We battle over who is more Biblical or concervative. We...