Live What I Believe

Please pardon the following if it is riddled with errors. I have had something echoing in my head for weeks. And I feel that if I take the time to put it down I may be able to better aticualte it over time. The idea that I am wrestling with is that our beliefs are to be followed by our actions or they are not our beliefs at all. For instance, if I say that I believe that helping the poor is important. And I do nothing to actually help the poor except say I believe we should. Then it is not truly a beleif that I hold. They are infact empty words. If I say that I love my wife and kids and I cheat on her and abuse them then what are my actions saying. Certainly they do not say that I love them. Let's go one step further.

If I say that I love Jesus and I follow him. And I live in unrepentant sin (sin that I do not address with God and turn from) and I do not share Christ with others. Then how in the world could I ever claim to be a Christ follower. I would live better under the title non-believer. If I claim to believe and follow Christ's teachings and I live the opposite I am living like an non-believer.

This concept has made me pause and think through many areas of my life. My words, actions, attitudes, work ethic, lust, money, serving, teaching, leading, praying and much more.

Do I REALLY live what I believe?


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