Drifting Away

I must admit that I love the ocean. Salty air and the smell of sand bring back many of my fondest memories. Those memories involve riding a catamaran, playing, or swimming in the ocean. Nearly every year from grade school to high school my family went to the ocean. I loved walking out into the water chest deep so that I could swim and play. Early on I discovered something that I should have listened to my mother's warnings about. My mother told me to always watch were I was in the ocean bacause I could drift out further or drift down the shoreline. I remember thinking my mom was crazy so I would just walk out and do my thing in the water. One particular time I looked up from playing and swimming and noticed that I was much much farther out and nothing in front of me was familiar. Paniced, I swam in and staggered around the beach trying to figure out were I was. Nothing looked familiar. Mom was not sitting there watching me. I must have drifted down over a mile and I did not realize...