A Heart Like His
For the last three months my Sunday School class has been studying When Worldviews Collide by Ergun Caner as well as various other cults and world religions (Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, Christian Science, Scientologists, and much more). It has been a sobering and spiritually challenging class. Studying and teaching through the beliefs of these cults has helped me see all of the millions of people who are wrapped up deeply in various false religions as individuals for whom Christ died . This study has given me a greater passion for the gospel and the work of Christ on my behalf. It has given me a desire to spend more and more time with the lost. To love them. To listen to their hearts cry. To see them put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins. I desire to be able to more clearly share the gospel with those for whom Christ died. I am deeply thankful for for all of my students but especially for the group of 30 nonchristian students that I work with on ...